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Na razie na szybko z Argentyny.
Nie dalismy rady Gora tym razem okazala sie sprytniejsza i bardziej wytrwala niz my. Ja jak wiadomo musialem sie ewakuowac z gory po tygodniu akcji po osiagniecie wysokosci okolo 5100 mnpm. Lekarz stwierdzil u mnie obrzek lewego pluca i tylko szybkie opuszczenie wysokosci i zabieg chirurgiczny w Mendozie pozwolil mi na w miare bezbolesne zakonczenie problemu . Pozostawieni na gorze chlopaki bardzo dzielnie walczyli i smiem twierdzic ze gdyby nie zlamanie pgody, pol metrowy opad sniegu i silny wiatr ok 150 km|h w bazie na Plaza del Mulas to by pewno weszli . Chlopaki i tak dzielnie dotarli do wysokosci 5400-5500 i spedzili tam noc w namiocie a ponadto wytrwali jeszcze 4 dni w zasypanym obozie na 4350- to duzy wyczyn uwierzcie mi. Generalnie na Aco wlazi 2 na 10 osob i niestety My bylismy w tej 8-ce.
Z moich obserwacji wynika ze glownym przeciwnikiem jest klimat niesamowicie suchy i powodujacy problemy z aklimatyzacja.
Technicznie jest to Babia Gora z malutka grania na 6200.
Moze sprobujemy za rok lub dwa generalnie jednak jest to mega komercyjne miejsce i szczerze mowia wolalbym sprobowac zdobyc Ojos del Salado lub Mercedario- bo tam czuc prawdziwe gory.
Pzdr i caluje z Argentyny ( festyniarskiej na maksa)
Cotopaxi-Aconcagua luty 2009
Re: Cotopaxi-Aconcagua luty 2009
Mimo wszystko wielkie pokłony dla całej ekipy i wielki szacun - w koncu nie zawsze chodzi o to aby złapac "króliczka" ale zeby gonic go;-)
a my tu narzekamy na snieg w lutym;-) Pozdrawiam
a my tu narzekamy na snieg w lutym;-) Pozdrawiam
Re: Cotopaxi-Aconcagua luty 2009" onclick=";return false; Na tej stronie jest informacja, że w 01.2009 r. na Aconcagule zginęły dwie osoby: argentyński przewodnik i jego klientka. Poniżej relacja z tej tragedii.
While compiling the Aconcagua 2008/09 Season's end report for ExplorersWeb, Rodrigo Granzotto Peron reported on the death of Argentinean guide Federico Campanini, 31 and one of his clients (Elena Senin, 38).
Local media stated the group had summited via the normal route, but lost their way in a sudden storm and mistakenly descended the technical Polish route. Federico and Elena died (reportedly in a fall), while the rest of the group was rescued by helicopters.
Campanini was reported dead on Aconcagua on January 8th, 2009. A video posted on YouTube yesterday shows his last moments. Rescuers reached the guide on Jan 6th, still alive. Carrying no O2, no warm clothes and not even a stretcher, they roped Federico up and dragged him in the snow before leaving him. Campanini's father uploaded the video after receiving it anonymously and has now launched a lawsuit, media reports.
The rescuers reportedly were trying to drag the sick climber up to the summit (probably to descend via the normal route). Here goes a transcript of some of the comments, translated into English ? we?ve added the time frames so you can follow them while watching the video:
0.03 ? Cameraman (with labored breath): ?Here we are, 300 meters shy from the summit? he is the guide? we can?t move him any further, we are very tired? It?s snowing hard now? we are on the glacier? we?ve tried in every way? there was 400m (to the top), we?ve climbed up 100m??
0.42 - Rescuer at Federico?s side: ?He can?t ? he can?t be taken out. He can?t be taken out (approaching the camera). We are freezing ? we have 400m left to the summit and he?s not moving. He?s in a bad state. I am authorized by the judge?(some unintelligible words).?
1.01 ? Two rescuers: ?Get up, cu?ado (dude/mate)! Come on, come on, shit!! (trying to raise Federico to his feet)?
1.09 - Cameraman:?Let God enlighten him and give him strength, please.?
(Federico advances some meters on his hand and knees ? then stops and lay on one side)
1:35 - Cameraman: ?We?ve made ten meters more [?] he doesn?t want to go anymore.?
1:57 - Rescuer speaking on the radio:: ?Argentina? Tell him/them he is dying. (answer on the radio not understandable) Tell him/them he is dying. He won?t last 40 minutes longer.
Ed. Note:The following answer on the radio can?t be understood clearly. The voice seems to say (2:13): ?Well, well ? then try to evacuate him for 40 minutes more, even if he?s dying.? The rescuer answers: ?It?s improbable, dude.? However, some unclear words may have a different meaning.
2:24 - Cameraman mutters some inaudible words while crying.
There is a final shot of the rescuers dragging a tense rope. It is unclear though whether they leave Federico there or not.
The images have sparked a heated debate in Argentina. ?The debate on the operation has focused on the rescue team being seemingly unprepared to find the guide alive,? AFP reported. ?The team had no oxygen for him, nor a thermal sleeping bag or stretcher to carry him.?
"They went looking for a corpse and they found a survivor," Carlos Campanini told the news agency.
While compiling the Aconcagua 2008/09 Season's end report for ExplorersWeb, Rodrigo Granzotto Peron reported on the death of Argentinean guide Federico Campanini, 31 and one of his clients (Elena Senin, 38).
Local media stated the group had summited via the normal route, but lost their way in a sudden storm and mistakenly descended the technical Polish route. Federico and Elena died (reportedly in a fall), while the rest of the group was rescued by helicopters.
Campanini was reported dead on Aconcagua on January 8th, 2009. A video posted on YouTube yesterday shows his last moments. Rescuers reached the guide on Jan 6th, still alive. Carrying no O2, no warm clothes and not even a stretcher, they roped Federico up and dragged him in the snow before leaving him. Campanini's father uploaded the video after receiving it anonymously and has now launched a lawsuit, media reports.
The rescuers reportedly were trying to drag the sick climber up to the summit (probably to descend via the normal route). Here goes a transcript of some of the comments, translated into English ? we?ve added the time frames so you can follow them while watching the video:
0.03 ? Cameraman (with labored breath): ?Here we are, 300 meters shy from the summit? he is the guide? we can?t move him any further, we are very tired? It?s snowing hard now? we are on the glacier? we?ve tried in every way? there was 400m (to the top), we?ve climbed up 100m??
0.42 - Rescuer at Federico?s side: ?He can?t ? he can?t be taken out. He can?t be taken out (approaching the camera). We are freezing ? we have 400m left to the summit and he?s not moving. He?s in a bad state. I am authorized by the judge?(some unintelligible words).?
1.01 ? Two rescuers: ?Get up, cu?ado (dude/mate)! Come on, come on, shit!! (trying to raise Federico to his feet)?
1.09 - Cameraman:?Let God enlighten him and give him strength, please.?
(Federico advances some meters on his hand and knees ? then stops and lay on one side)
1:35 - Cameraman: ?We?ve made ten meters more [?] he doesn?t want to go anymore.?
1:57 - Rescuer speaking on the radio:: ?Argentina? Tell him/them he is dying. (answer on the radio not understandable) Tell him/them he is dying. He won?t last 40 minutes longer.
Ed. Note:The following answer on the radio can?t be understood clearly. The voice seems to say (2:13): ?Well, well ? then try to evacuate him for 40 minutes more, even if he?s dying.? The rescuer answers: ?It?s improbable, dude.? However, some unclear words may have a different meaning.
2:24 - Cameraman mutters some inaudible words while crying.
There is a final shot of the rescuers dragging a tense rope. It is unclear though whether they leave Federico there or not.
The images have sparked a heated debate in Argentina. ?The debate on the operation has focused on the rescue team being seemingly unprepared to find the guide alive,? AFP reported. ?The team had no oxygen for him, nor a thermal sleeping bag or stretcher to carry him.?
"They went looking for a corpse and they found a survivor," Carlos Campanini told the news agency.
Kolarstwo to nie jest gra. Kolarstwo to jest sport. Twardy, ciężki, który wymaga wiele wyrzeczeń. Można grać w piłke, tenisa lub hokeja. Ale nie można grać w kolarstwo.
Jean de Gribaldi
Jean de Gribaldi